We can not release any of the contact information we gather without specific permission. However, there are a number of people who would like to make their contact information available to other members of LEHS Class of 1965. The purpose would be to revive old friendships from high school.
Below, you will find a list of names of people who have given written permission to send their names to other members of our class. To get your name on the list, you must Contact Us and give us your written permission to give your contact information to other classmates from LEHS Class of 1965.
To get the contact information of names on the list, you must request it by Contacting Us. NOTE: Putting your name on the list is not a request to get a copy of the contact information. You must request that separately. An email will be sent to you with an Excel Spreadsheet attachment showing the contact information of those people whose names are on the list. Note: we can not eliminate certain parts of the contact information (ie your phone number) so if you don’t want all your contact information shared, please don’t put your name on the list.
If you don’t want your name on the list, but have a desire to contact a specific classmate, please Contact us. We can help.
For those people who do not have email, please contact one of the members of the reunion committee via a Facebook message. You will have to create your own Facebook page to be able to do this. After all of the communications have taken place via Facebook messaging, you will be given instructions on where to send a self-addressed stamped business envelope to get the list.
The Current List of People on the List
Charlene (Alexander) Sevard
Brenda (Alger) Connelly
Barbara (Allen) Latham
Jamie (Andrian) Blackstone
Donald Baillie
Sheila (Baritz) Ganz
Carol (Blomster) Drane
Fred Bollen
Richard Bowlby
Linda (Boynton) Deveau
Temma (Brown) Effron
Dale Bryant
Marcia (Buckley) Bergeron
Norma (Bugden) Gaudet
Lornie Bullerwell
Howard Burnett
Jo Capano
Maureen Cerica-Arnold
Dianne (Clark) Atkins
Joanne (Clifford) Perlino
James Cogen
Anthony Colangelo
John Collier
Joyce Collier
Linda (Coombs) Tilly
Barbara (Cooper) DiTomaso
Mary (Cronin) Lopresti
Christie Dean
Mary Doveas-Pitzi
Sandra (Downs) Thomas
Kerbert Elliott
Bette (Ellis) Paquet
David Emerton
Bruce Fisher
Francis Fitzgibbons
June (Flagg) Lawrence
John Fournier
Helena (Francullo) Walsh
Marylene (Gaudet) Devaney
John Gold
Ann (Gordon) Carter
John Gotimer
Judy (Goudey) Johnson
Jeri (Graham) Mullen
Nancy (Granger) Melanson
Diane (Guarino) Sykes
Chuck Hamilton
Wayne Hathaway
Eileen (Healey) Palmacci
Sharon (Holmes) Plummer
Donna (Hudson) Saxonis
Donna (Hutton) Sofranas
John Ihle
Eileen “Lee” (Jackson) Kalapinski
Robert W. Johanson
Pat (Johnson) Morley
Sherry (Johnson) Traverse
Dr. Marilyn (Kaufman) Labovitz
Rev. /Dr. Scott Kavanagh
Linda (Ladd) Murray
Elaine (Laterza) Pare
Adrienne (LeGault) Gordon
Peter LeLecas
Lester Libby
Nancy (Loman) Scanlon
Richard Lorette
John MacDonald
Kristine (MacLean) Bourgeois
Gail (Magulas) DeSanctis
Meredith (Magee) Marcinkewicz
Bob Maleszyk
Margaret Marasco
Linda (Mark) Hayes
John Martin
Kate (Martin) Ridlon
Sharon (Mathews) Fera
Deborah (McCulley) Blossom
Alan McGrath
Kathleen (McKinnon) Liston
James Middleton
Linda (Morley) Cameron
Mary (Montejunas) Kaufman
Joanne (Morris) O’Grady
Mary (Morrison) Robblee
Kathleen (Mulkern) Collins
Eileen (Murphy) Messier
Marilyn (Murphy) Collins
Louis (Murray) MacMaster-Thibeault
Paul Nardone
Beverly (Nash) Bartolomeo
Robert Newhall
Maureen (O’Day) Sanders
John O’Neil
Patricia O’Neil
Lois (Oxner) Bushman
Mary (Pawley) Stadum
Carol (Pearson) Waterhouse
Ruth (Pelletier) Simpson
Ruth Pettis
Bruce Phillips
Mary (Powlesland) Commager
James Prendergast
James H. Prunier
Robert Reed
Robert Reid
Bette (Roach) Manchester
Paula (Robinson) Akiba
Janet Rogalski
Peter Rowe
Jack Rummel
Sue Rummel
Christine (Sampson) Weston
Marcia (Sanborn) Roach
Paul Saxonis
Mike Schulze
John Sewell
Susan (Shapiro) Gold
Tim Sharpe
Eleanor (Shellgren) Starkenberg
Jane (Signor) Nauss
Frank Simone
Karen (Sliney) Morris
Jane (Smith) McWane
Maureen Smith
John Sonia
Charles Spinale
Patricia (Stafford) Lebel
Sarah (Sternlieb) Scott
Karin (Stevens) Beaupre
Mary (Sullivan) Wright
Geraldine “Dean” (Therrien) Perkins
Janet (Thomas) Scholz
Joan (Vaganis) Plummer
John Warwick
Doug Waters
Diane (Weiner) Lupo
Bradley Wentworth
Jeanne (Wood) Carignan-Mitchell
Pamela (Woods) Larchez
Linda (Wordeman) Curcuru
Paul Yacovitch