My fishing buddy is a 3 tour Vietnam Vet who was injured in action and, like many other Vietnam Vets, was never the same as before he saw action. He observed me thank another vet for his service to our country and then coached me on what would be more meaningful to a Vietnam Vet. He told me to say:
“Thank you for your service and welcome home”
He told me that was one thing Vietnam Vets never heard…..”welcome home”. Well, to all our class vets (listed below) and to all our country’s vets, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY AND WELCOME HOME. I do hope all our classmates take a few moments to say thank you to all the vets especially our classmates who sacrificed so much so that we can enjoy the freedom we have today. Please click on the word “comment” below and add your personal message to our vets.
If you are a member of the class of 1965 and are a vet and don’t see your name below, please click HERE and send me a message and I will add it as soon as I see your message. If you know of a vet who served our country and was a member of the class of 1965 who is not listed below, please let me know.
Lynn English High School’s Class of 1965 Veterans include:
Donald Baillie Naval Reserves
William Berkson Army
Frederick Bollen Army
Robert Bonin Marine Reserves
Richard Bowlby Navy Reserves
Kevin Buchanan Army
Richard Burke Army
Howard Burnett Army National Guard
Tom Cahill Army
Roger Caldwell Navy
Richard Callahan Navy
James Cogen Marines
Anthony Colangelo Army Reserve
John Collier Army
Harry Corson Army
Ralph Cronin Army
Don Cyr Navy
Tom Devine Marines
John Donovan Army
Brian Doucette Navy
Donald Ellis Air Force
David Emerton Marines
Tom Fabrizio Air Force
Bruce Fisher National Guard
Lawrence Flanagan Air Force (died while serving in Texas)
Arthur William “Bill” Fogarty Army
Ronald Gerstenhaber Air Force
Thomas Gillis Navy
John Gotimer Navy
Reverand Arlyne Grant Army Reserves
Norman Grant Marines (killed in action in Vietnam)
Donald Hamel Navy
Mark Hammond Coast Guard
Robert Hartshorn Navy
Robert Johanson Army
Jim Lampes Mass Army National Guard
Allan Leavitt Army
Peter Lelecas Air Force
Wayne Livermore Army
Richard Lorette Navy
John MacDonald Air Force
John Martin Air Force
John McCarthy Army
Walter Mehm Navy
James Middleton Army
Robert Muller Army
Haig Nalbandian Air Force
Paul Nardone Air Force
Ralph Nelson Army
William Nelson Army Reserve
Robert Newhall Army
Stephen Noone Army Reserve
Kevin O’Connor Air Force
Richard Olson Navy
John O’Neil Air Force
Albert Paradis Army
John Pension Navy
Leland Perry Army
Edward Pettipas Navy
Bruce Phillips Navy
James Prendergast NH Army National Guard
James Prunier Air Force and Army National Guard
Robert Reed Army
John Reppucci Navy
Michael Rodgers Army
Anna-Marie (Ruth) Frederick Air Force
Charles Sarcia Army Aviation
David Schulze Air Force
Michael Schulze Navy
John Sewell Navy
Frank Simone Air Force
John Sonia Navy
Christo Stratos Navy
John Sturgis Army National Guard
Robert Tibbetts Army
John Warwick Army
Douglas Waters Army
Bradley Wentworth Army
Joe Whalen Army
Paul Yacovitch Army
Francis York Navy
Thank you to all the men and women who served our country. In appreciation…
A heartfelt thank-you to all who served!
I can’t get over how many of our class served in the military. We were all babies and I cant’ believe what our vets endured and those who served in Vietnam, some were even lifer’s. What an honor it is to have been a classmate and for those of you who never heard the words, “Welcome Home.”
Sincere appreciation and thanks to all our veterans for your service!
To all of my classmates who were in the service, THANK YOU!
and for those that went to Vietnam-Welcome Back Home!!!
Here’s to each and everyone of you who served to protect our country.
I also can’t believe how many of our classmates were in the service — over 10 percent. Want to thank each and every one of you for serving and some giving the ultimate sacrifice so we can live free in the “good ole USA”. I would have been scared to death to have been drafted. Thank you and Welcome Home!
A BIG THANK YOU and Welcome Home to all our Veterans. My dear friend Norman W. Grant gave with the ultimate sacrifice in 1968. RIP ….I still think of you often and smile and laugh at the fun we had.