Hello fellow 1965 classmates of Lynn English High School, Lynn, MA. This is your website and will be a great source of information for you.
In it you will find information on reunions and who is doing the planning and organizing of them, missing classmates, departed classmates, history, photos and a way to provide input for future reunions. Using the website, you can contact us and keep your address, phone and email up-to-date when you move around this country. Don’t be surprised to see some memorable photos on occasion and some other things.
The class list contains the names, addresses and phone numbers of all 600 plus of our classmates. Unfortunately, the list is over 10 years old. It contains numerous errors such as identifying a person that lives at an address as a member of our class because the name is a close match. Well sometimes the person listed who has the same name as our classmate, is 5 or so years older or younger than our classmate. Names change, people move, people pass away and we don’t know about it. So finding as many people as possible has been a pretty challenging task.
Unfortunately, the job isn’t complete and there are a lot of people who we can’t find. Perhaps you know some of them. Perhaps you ARE one of them. Let us know. We may miss some people for the 45th reunion, but, hopefully, we will have a lot less missing people for the 50th.
Hi Everyone, Thanks to Robert for all his hard work ! Hope to get to the 45th in Sept.
Howie Burnett
Classmates of “65” great job and appreciate all your hard work. Will be coming from Colorado to the reunion in September – can’t wait.
Maureen Cerica (Arnold)
The last couple of months have been really nostalgic. Reading the memorial list was sad. I have to say the effort of all who are working on this 45th reunion is herculean and really appreciated. I’d love to make it, if possible. Those of you I’ve had some contact with – it’s been fun. I haven’t been home in 20 something years, so I’ve enjoyed the sites that have current photos. Wouldn’t trade those years for anything!
Hope to attend attend reunion in Sept.
I”t’s been a long time since looking at
the old class photos. 45 years and a lot
of us are still here. Looking forward to
seeing all of you….
Great work Bob! I am realy looking foward to seeing everyone at the reunion. Even though I don’t see many of my old class mates they are all important to me. It was a great bunch of people.
Thanks everyone for the great comments. I appreciate the encouragement. I am looking for interesting information to post on the website so if you have some ideas, leave a comment!
Just received the invitation to the reunion. Can’t believe it’s been 45 years since graduation. This is a great site. Keep up the great work. Hope to see many of you in September.
This has been a wild ride back to 1965. Bob Maleszyk, you are something else! Great job with the reunion and website. You make us all feel young again. Looking forward to seeing everyone in September.
Great job. May not be coming to the reunion, but I hope there will be an update on what people are doing now and maybe where they live.
Unfortunately, we can not publish all the information we receive from all the classmates. That would be a violation of the confidence you put in us. However, if you have someone you specifically want to contact, you can give permission to reveal your contact information to them. We will be not be able to send out your information via US Postal Service, but we will email it (if the person has an email address). We can not guarantee that the person you are trying to contact will answer you. Use the link for CONTACT and we will try to accomodate you.
I’d like to find Linda Witwer, and Katharine Hashian, two of my beat friends through out Jr. High (Eastern Jr. High) Anc High School. Please forward my contact info. to them if you know where they are. Thank You, June