Who Will Attend the 50th Reunion?

A page (50th Reunion Attendance Page) has been created which will be updated fairly frequently.  It will list the names of people who have confirmed that they are coming to the 50th reunion.  Since we haven’t announced when and where the reunion will be yet, the page is basically blank.  To check the page out either click on it near the bottom of the list on the right, or click HERE.  It will fill up as we get closer.

Now don’t jump the gun and start sending in your names.  We do have to PAY for the reunion.  How much also still has to be determined.  But I do warn you, the names that go on the page will be people who commit to go to the reunion with their payment.

Fred Bollen requested something like this for our website and I think it is an excellent idea.  I do hope the reunion will be well attended and, perhaps, seeing the names of people you may know  might just encourage you to go yourself.

I won’t be doing any blog posts to announce when names have been added, so you are going to have to check into the website occasionally and check the page.

Just as an update, we have not selected a venue, style of reunion, date or cost yet.  That is still a work in progress.  So, you still can click on the comments below the next post (Our 50th Reunion… 2015) to make your suggestion.  But the ball has started to roll and the decisions will be made very soon.

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